Adelaide Branch


Welcome to the September edition of the newsletter. Things are still percolating along within the group with individual projects coming to the forefront. Ashley suggested at the last meeting that those interested in specific projects or subjects get together to compare notes, etc. when there is more time than is available at regular ASTRO meetings. Anyone who wants to take part in these sub-groups, contact Ashley or see him at the next meeting as he has volunteered to co-ordinate the process.


The meeting began at 8.08pm on 8\8\97 in our 8th meeting for the year with 39 people in attendance. Our treasurer, Michael, reported that we have $636 in the bank. Ashley welcomed everyone and introduced us to the Pannwitz’s.

We received a postcard from Peter who is in England and Roger W. donated a tape called Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. Ashley added the following video documentaries, Reality On The Rocks, a Faraday lecture on magnetism, Remote Viewing and The Sane Alternative by Dennis Lee. Anton donated the following books: The Holographic Universe, Q Mechanics, The Mechanics of Reality Engineering and a tape called Flying Saucer Technology.

Hans Peter showed us his Power Pill brochure, while Roger T. has an air charging product and I believe Victor has the results of Roger’s Air Charger. James has a solar bike and needs helpers for its preparation and the solar race. Richard showed us his almost completed magnet motor and Andrew shared his progress on his SENRAC application. [South Australian State Energy Research Advisory Council].

Keith spoke about a tractor he had that ran on water and diesel accidentally. Ashley suggested shed days for people who are interested in similar projects. Matthew raised the digital phone health debate question, which was followed by all manner of advice. An interesting point was that Australia needs more doctors to work on brain tumours and waist tumours. Someone's purple coloured aluminium disc cancelled out an x-ray photo. Ashley showed us a newsletter called Genius and introduced Michael and Irmgard Pannwitz who spoke on Activated Water and Health. ..............Andrew.


The GIZMO-Series 3 is a “Bio Electric Field Enhancer”, and is sold by Q-Tech Laboratories in Toowoomba, Queensland. Q-Tech is run by Terry Skrinjar and Steve Walker who co-wrote the book Q-Mechanics. The GIZMO-SERIES 3 water unit is a multi-purpose water enhancement tool which is claimed to give better personal health when used in your bath water and better plant growth when treated water is used on the plants.

The GIZMO Series 3 consists of a 24 volt DC power supply which feeds a very professional looking set of copper concentric rings mounted on perspex discs. I have not seen a unit in person, but from information brochures sent to me and from eyewitness accounts of the device from people who live in that neck of the woods, the construction and power supply feeds to it sound very similar to the type of devices that Joe “X” (see Hydrogen Brief - Book 1) has been constructing. Another similarity to Joe’s work is a demonstration that the Q-Tech group gave at the recent Nexus Conference where they poured treated water from their device into a stainless steel container which immediately became magnetic.

A technical explanation from Terry Skrinjar follows: “The GIZMO Series 3 Bio Electrical Field Enhancer is a water based unit used during bathing to reconfigure and amplify the bio-electric signature of individual cells which, when operating efficiently and as a collective, allows the body to heal and regenerate at the correct rate at which the human genetic format is capable of. This action results in the initial purging of toxins and nucleic waste product kept and/or generated within the cells and surrounding membrane followed by the re-correction of any abnormal deterioration within the body that has been caused by illness, injury, viral and/or any other life experience not related to direct genetic birth defects.

This method is not achieved by the direct infusion of frequency based electrical impulses which are commonly used in some treatments that are currently available on the market (eg Zappers). Instead it uses a 24 volt DC current to induce a frequency enhanced complex magnetic field structure surrounding the individual plates which then combine to form a global field around the device. This field then interacts with the motional bio field of the water and amplifies the volumetric content of the charge rate within the water pattern.”

Now, did you all get that? If this appeals to you and you have a spare $1189.00, then you can buy one of these units from Q-Tech Laboratories, P.O. Box 2203, Toowoomba, Qld, 4350, or contact them by phone on 76 333 590 or on E-mail:


The following is a brief description of an orgone accumulator that was built by lots of other people and myself as a combined project back in 1991. Firstly for those who have not heard of orgone, it is the energy that gives pyramids their interesting properties of keeping food fresh and sharpening razor blades, etc. There is a lot of information in books by Wilhelm Reich and others on orgone, so go search your library if you want more information.

The basic design of the accumulator that we built came from a book called “The Awesome Life Force” by Joseph Cater. This unit consisted of 6mm plastic sheet cut to size to make a box of the following dimensions: 300mm X 300mm X 450mm. The four sides and the bottom were glued together and the top was left separate so that it was removable. The box was then covered with 40 layers of kitchen type aluminium foil, alternately with 40 layers of newspaper. (Two thicknesses of newspaper were used for each layer) If you are planning to build one of these, we found the easiest way of making the layers was to cut the six sets (top, bottom and four sides) of paper and aluminium, glue them together in their sets and then glue them to the plastic box. The whole device was then wrapped up with packaging tape to give it a bit of protection, with the lid being wrapped up separately. The fact that the layers on each face of the box was not continuous did not seem to affect the operation of the accumulator.

Four experiments were tried in the box, which were carried out during summer (temperature was in the 30’s):

1. An open glass of milk was placed in the box with a control glass placed in a normal cardboard box next to the accumulator.

2. A sealed jar of milk was placed in the box.

3. A stainless steel knife was placed in a jar of water in the box.

4. Temperature readings were taken inside and outside the box.

The results were as follows:

1. The milk inside the box was still normal (liquid, smelled fresh) after seven days (end of test), while the control sample was spoiled (lumpy and rancid) after one day.

2. The sealed jar turned into yoghurt. (normal yoghurt consistency and smelled fresh)

3. The stainless steel knife became slightly magnetic and a piece of steel was attracted to it when held close to the knife. The effect was very slight and only lasted about five minutes after removal from the jar of water in the box.

4. There was no appreciable difference in temperature that we could measure inside or outside the box.

None of the test samples were tasted due to concerns of DOR (Deadly Orgone Radiation), and it has been suggested that for foodstuffs, copper foil should be used and not aluminium for this reason. It was also suggested that an internal combustion engine could be run on this energy by passing the air through this accumulator before it went into the engine. We did have an attempt at this but did not have any success. However I feel that this could have worked if the box had been left on the engine for a longer period of time and if we had played around with the engine timing. Maybe we will get back to it one day?


In the conventional carburettor process in the internal combustion engine a mixture of air and fine gasoline droplets are produced for combustion. In this invention the gasoline is catalytically converted to small molecular light hydro carbons, methanes and methanol which are then mixed with air for combustion. This new carburetion process improves internal combustion engine efficiency and greatly reduces atmospheric pollution. This technology can be applied anywhere an internal combustion engine is used today, including diesel with some modification. Now consider that this system claims to offer 5 times the fuel mileage with 95% less pollution makes it a very attractive proposition. McBurney fitted this system to his 1976, 360 c.i. Dodge Maxi-van and obtained 72MPG, although he does state that it was difficult to stabilise the temperatures and mixture ratios for optimum running.

The system works basically as follows: A fuel injector feeds fuel droplets into a mixer block where the fuel droplets are mixed with steam produced in a coil that is heated by the car’s exhaust gasses. The mixture of steam and fuel feed through further heating coils where it becomes a mixture of steam and fuel vapour. This then enters a tube containing fine metal catalyst shavings called a catalyst “bed”and is separated from the heater by a thermally conducting lubricant. The catalyst bed is easily removable for catalyst regeneration or replacement. The heated mixture of low molecular weight hydrocarbons, methane and methanol which are produced in the catalyst bed are then mixed with air for combustion.

The following is from a Caveat (preliminary Patent application) McBurney filed back in 1987 when he first came up with the idea which explains why it is written in the future tense.

“This system will change the molecular structure of a hydro-carbon, and water into a finer compound state, methane or natural gas and methanol. Using an iron particle catalyst cartridge, vaporous gasoline and steam will be regulated into the cartridge then flow into a further heated coil to allow time for the hydro-carbon to crack into a smaller molecules this finest state being natural gas and methanol. This will align and lower the boiling point of the fuel for greater efficiency. Using heat from exhaust and electric energy from auxiliary generation, the iron will be maintained at a temperature of about 500 degrees C. Thermistors will monitor the temperature to input to a computer to control electric elements on the cartridge.

The gasoline and water feed lines will be preheated by coiling them around the exhaust pipe and insulating with foil and fibreglass. The gasoline will be controlled by fuel injection into a vaporising coil maintaining a temperature 350 degrees C to maintain a complete vaporous state. The steam will be passed through a liquid trap to insure only vapour steam is entering into the iron catalyst cartridge.

The main structure is cylindrical with centre area access for catalyst cartridge replacement. The cartridge cylinder is directly exposed to electric elements and heated surface of exhaust gases. It will be filled with a catalytic material, a metal such as steel or iron. Experimentation will produce a better catalyst. It will have two fittings, one for input and one for output and will be baffled inside to allow greatest surface use and time exposure. The output of the system will be connected to a cooling coil then regulator for flow to engine. On the outside of the exhaust heat exchanger the coil for the gasoline vaporiser stage will be wrapped, also the liquid trap may be mounted on the end. When the steam and gasoline vapour enter the iron chamber, the water is broken down, the oxygen forms with the carbon, creating methanol the hydrogen forms with the hydro-carbons, cracking it into the finer form, natural gas.

The entire unit except the cartridge should be made of stainless steel, for safety and long life. This system could work also with a standard carburettor or fuel injection for the warm up cycle with an automatic temperature sensing thermistor to automatically switch the system to natural gas production when proper operating temperature is obtained. This system will work and should be more efficient than the standard carburettor, as the reaction is endothermic. Regaining the wasted exhaust heat energy back into the fuel which now is natural gas and methanol that should give a more complete burn in the cylinder for more propulsion power. The compression ratio will be increased and the timing changed to enhance the burn of the new fuel for greater efficiency.

The water gas explanation as found in the dictionary is one of the basis for this system. The formula: C + H2O = CO + H2. Using the presence of a catalyst and pressure and using a hydro-carbon as gasoline there is an efficient conversion at a lower temperature than required with the pure carbon. The formula will approximately be as C8H16 + H2O = CH3OH + C1H4.”


General Motors and Williams International have developed a new hybrid auxiliary propulsion unit (APU) that is said to be the smallest, lightest, and most fuel efficient turbine APU of its kind ever built.

When used in an advanced electric vehicle, the gas turbine would power a generator for charging an EV’s onboard batteries, extending it’s driving range. GM claims the turbine APU could more than double the fuel economy of a vehicle. Among the turbine APU’s technical advances is an integral heat recovery unit that reduces noise and increases efficiency, and a compact SatCon Technology power controller that’s demonstrated a 98% generating efficiency in the laboratory.

The GM turbine hybrid project isn’t narrowly aligned to a particular fuel of choice. Rather, the goal is to work toward bringing a promising technology to the fore while allowing fuels to sort themselves out in the marketplace. GM is reportedly planning to demonstrate the principle by building a hybrid prototype with a turbine APU that will debut this year.


Apologies to those attempting to look up information on the GIT from last month’s newsletter. As Hans Peter pointed out to me, I put in the wrong address. (I typed in “davide” instead of a “davidc”) The correct address is:


Once again I am requesting articles for this newsletter. I have heard on the grapevine of quite a few projects going on at the moment, so write a short description of what you are doing to let others know. In this way there is also more chance of getting some help with your project if you need it.




We could all do with a few of these!


An enzyme substitute that breaks down hydrogen molecules into their constituent atoms could help to power the green cars of tomorrow. The molecule should work as a cheap catalyst for fuel cells, which can generate electricity without creating pollution. Chemists led by Robert Hembre of the University of Nebraska have made a simplified version of a hydrogenase enzyme. These enzymes are produced by the many bacteria that survive in the absence of oxygen and obtain their energy by breaking apart hydrogen. Fuel cells, which currently rely on expensive platinum catalysts, liberate energy by the same reaction. In theory, bacterial hydrogenases could be used to catalyse fuel cells, but the bacteria are hard to handle and die on exposure to oxygen. This is why scientists are trying to mimic the bacteriological enzymes with simple synthetic versions.

Hembre and his colleagues have developed a synthetic version which works as well as the natural enzyme when exposed to hydrogen bubbles in solution by using ruthenium hydride as the basis of the enzyme mimic. They are also trying to make an enzyme using iron and nickel. As a first step to producing a fuel cell, they are trying to anchor the enzyme mimic to a solid metal or carbon support that would feed electrons stolen from the hydrogen into an electrical circuit. If successful, fuel cells could become cheaper as ruthenium is ten to fifteen times cheaper than platinum while iron and nickel are between ten and one hundred times cheaper still.



The next meeting will be, as usual, on the second Friday of the month, this time being FRIDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER.. The doors will open at 7.30pm, while the meeting will start at 8pm.

Due to a lack of time at the last meeting, the advertised video was put on hold. Consequently it will be shown at this meeting. Called “THE FREE ENERGY UPDATE”, this video is of a talk given by Ian Hacon earlier this year about where the Free Energy scene is heading, with particular reference to Australia.

There should also be some more member’s projects on display, including (hopefully) a self sustaining magnet motor.

Don’t forget your $3 admission and something to share for supper. See you there!!