Welcome to the April edition of the newsletter. Dalbello's Dynamic Computer Delivery Service
came through with the goods this time. I have been presented with a new baby which I am really enjoying using and can now get back into the rhythm of doing the newsletter from home
again. Maybe w will even have the, now logo by next month?
The meeting started at 8.00 PM with 25 people present including several new faces. Ashley welcomed the newcomers as well as our guests for the evening, Erika and Deb who demonstrated the aura camera on a very willing Dino. (Surprisingly he still has his auric field intact even after years of trying to rip it off with computers and magnets) Dan reported that we have $186 in our kitty after all the bills have been paid. I presented the Secretaries report which included a flyer from the
Vic ASTRO group regarding the cancellation of the Melbourne UFO Expo and a phone call from Dieter in Queensland informing us that William
Baumgartiner (Mr Vortexian Mechanics Inc.) is visiting Australia at the moment and may become a permanent resident. Dieter also reported that Steve Walker (Mr Searl Australia Inc.) is about to begin a trek around Australia on
a free energy informatipon gathering tour - look out for him in your area soon.
Ashley tried to get some accurate feedback on the newsletter, but due to the apparent apathy in the audience, we almost decided to send out eight blank pages. However, prudence got the better of our judgement and these pages are now full in spite of that. There is a prize for the person who picks the mistake in this newsletter.
Dan brought up the subject of viruses, how our immunity towards them is dropping and how they can appear in more than one place at the same time. The book called "The Dark Side of the Brain" explains this process very well. Dino expanded this subject into the genetic engineering of crops and how some Danish scientists have now found that this process has spread into the weeds that are growing within these new crops.
Roger gave a demonstration of his magnet motor, it almost worked, but not quite. This is based on the TOMI device which he has demonstrated to us previously (this DID work).
Michael showed us an article that he got from the Internet on Quantum Teleportation which was about a group of researchers in the States who are getting closer to understanding the physics behind the term "Beam me up
Scotty. It seems like science faction is rapidly becoming science fact again!!!!
Elika then gave her talk and demonstration of the aura imaging camera developed in Brisbane by
Graydon Rixon. Loosely based on Kirlian photography, this differs by getting the subject to hold a hand
sensor (shaped like a video game joystick) which transfers the energy onto the Polaroid film. The device
works on measuring meridian points and the galvanic skin response. Erika showed before and after shots taken
of people who had undertaken different kinds of healing modalities and the effects were obvious from the changes in the colour patterns around the neck and head of the subjects. It costs $30 for a 30 minute session which includes a photograph, folder of background information and a personal analysis.
Ashley assembled his large Star Tetrahedron made out of copper tube in the room and had a range of people sit in it throughout the evening. The general feedback given, was that all who sat in it felt some tangible change in their energy field. He is in the process of refining the design to increase the effect and is open to any helpful suggestions. The meeting concluded with a video on alternative fuels and ways of using the power of the sun. Tony stayed to watch the whole
thing so it must have been good!
Rock, four kilometres below the earth's surface, south west of Innamincka, in the Cooper basin, could supply all of Australia's energy needs for 50 years without causing any pollution, environmental damage or resulting in the emission of any greenhouse gasses. The rock is granite and over millions of years it has been heated to a temperature of 250 degrees Centigrade by the decay of minute traces of naturally occurring radioactive compounds. This is also where the heat comes from in the hot springs which bubble out of the ground from the Great Artesian Basin. Here the heat is being brought to the surface, but of more interest are the areas like the Cooper Basin where much higher temperatures are locked away beneath an insulating layer of coal that is too deep to be mined.
Although the technology to obtain energy from this heat source is quite difficult, the
theory is very simple. A well would be drilled down into the granite and water injected
at a pressure of 30 KPA or 50,000 PSI to fracture the granite structure and fill the fault
area created with water. Another well would be drilled to extract the superheated water.
It would be kept under pressure so that it remained a liquid and the heat would be
harvested by a heal exchanger to turn another water supply into steam to drive an
electricity generating turbine in a closed loop. The water would be kept under pressure
and continuously injected back down into the granite to be reheated.
Gradually the granite would cool despite some replenishment from the continuing radioactive decay and heat moving in from surrounding areas as the whole structure tries to maintain a temperature equilibrium. This replenishment would be too slow to call the heat a renewable resource and new areas of hot rock would have to be found. Other areas as well as the Cooper basin have been found near Sydney, Bathurst, the Perth Basin in WA and in Queensland. The temperatures in some of these areas is lower than in the Cooper Basin, but the proximity to engineering skills could enhance their potential for exploitation. A five year research and pilot program is proposed after an analysis of costs, markets and energy needs is undertaken.
This type of utilisation of naturally occurring heat has already been demonstrated overseas with a Los Alamos National Labs group extracting heat from 453 degrees Farenheight rock, 12,000 feet below the Jemez mountains in 1992-3. This demonstration returned water to the surface at 350 degrees Farenheight and contained enough energy to produce 4 Megawatts of heat. The down side of this system is its lack of flexibility compared to coal fired power stations plus it is a time and capital intensive process. The overwhelming positive side to it though is that it is pollution free, which to me outweighs the negative aspects of this process.
An extract from a recent Advertiser claims Australias first battery operated electric racing car was demonstrated during the Melbourne Grand Prix. Called the GP Batteries Formula V Electric, the car is powered by twenty 9.6 volt high efficiency Nickel Cadmium battery packs, powering the electric motor. According to the car's major backer Ringgrip, a leading electrical company, the car has strong initial accelleration and ran reach speeds of more
than 170 Kph with a range of 200 Kms between charges.
- Tom's water turbine is making good progress.
- From across the border comes a story of a car using steam injection taking off with the drivers foot off the accelerator. The car reportedly ran up to 90 MPH before the driver cut the ignition and stopped the vehicle. Attempts to deliberately repeat this occurrence have been unsuccessful. My guess is that the point was reached where the water was decomposing into its basic elements of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
- Also from interstate is a report of an LPG powered vehicle that increased it's range from 350 Kms up to 450 Kms after an engine fault caused water to be injected into the cylinders. So maybe steam injection will also work on gas powered cars as well.
- News from the Cold Fusion brigade in America indicates that a 25Kw electricity generator will be commercially available early next year. It is said to be about the size of a thermos flask and has a life expectancy of 10,000 years - price is unknown at this stage.
- William (ex Waiter) Baumgartiner is in Australia at the moment and may he doing a lecture tour later in the year. He has already given a talk on Vortexian Mechanics in Brisbane at a local meeting.
Now that you all have a list of the books and audio tapes in our library, this month will give you "Part 1' of the fist of videos that we have accumulated over the past three years. I would like to thank Ashley and Peter for compiling this fist - Ashley spent something like 45 hours going through the videotapes in our library checking each one for content and length.
1. Chris Illert: a) Super Computer Bio-forms 55 mins
b) Occult Chemistry 98 mm's
2. Richard Hoagland a) Hoagland's Mars Vol. 2. (UN. Presentation 1992) 114 rnins
David Childress b) Extra-Terrestrial Archaeology 65 mins
3. Richard Hoagland Hoagland's Mars Vol. 3. (Moon-Mars Connection) 178 niffis
4. Paul White a) Ancient Secrets 1 & 2 (Mystery of the Earth Grid) 5 8 inffis
b) Mexican UFOs. (Messengers of Destiny) 62 mins
5. Chris Conroy a) Split Cycle Technology (1995) 52 mins
Michael Hesemann b) U.F.Os - The Secret Evidence lloniffis
6. Dan Winter Sacred Geometry - the Unified Field 123 mm's
7. John Searl Munich Lecture plus various material (Pt. 1.) 180 mins
8. John Searl a).Various Material (Pt.2) 104 mins
B.S.R.F. b). A Trip to Borderland Research Labs. 77 mins
9 TV Show UFOs - The Miracle of the Unknown 90 mins
10. Callahan & Winter Antennas of Nature 180 mins
11.1991 Ext. Scl. Conf a) Mark Benza - Benza Bio-chip 52 mins
b) George Merkyl - Cloning via Scalar Technology 40 mm's
c) Glen Rein - Non Hertzlan Physical Anomalies 50 mu'is
d) Troy Reed - Reed Magnetic Motor Demo. 30 mins
12. S.B.S. The Nicola Tesla Story 108 MITIS
13. B.S.R.F. a) Transverse & Longitudinal Electric Waves 50 mins
b) Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity 60 mins
14. Home Video a)'W'Machine - home built & Demo. 30 mins
Win Lambertson b) Talk of Free Energy Machine 68 mins
Adam Trombley c) Zero Point Energy Lecture 23 mins
Tom Valone d) New Propulsion Technologies. 18 mm"s
Read the following and discover whether you follow the average trend?
Answer at the next meeting!
This is the final part of the series on the Stirling engine in which we look at the possibilities of the future. Because of the cheapness and low temperature operation of the internal combustion engine, there does not seem to be a market for the Stirling in this area at present, due basically to economics. However, looking at the environmental aspects, I think that this engine could have a future. With the advent of new materials which are now available like Teflon and ceramics, this engine could be made cheaply and be reliable in its operation. The other environmental advantage is that it can run on any heat source whether that is a hydrogen flame or solar.
Another market niche is in the third world (sort of like Australia) where no mains electricity and lots of sun opens up lots of possibilities for this technology. One simple type of “engine” which has been developed already for this type of use is the Fluidyne by Dr C. West from England. This design uses resonating water columns as free pistons to move trapped gas through the Stirling cycle, creating pressure differences to pump water. The engine can be built of ordinary pipe and tubing with no machined parts. The only solid moving parts are two check valves, so there is practically no maintenance required. By 1977 Dr West had built units that will pump several hundred gallons of water per hour against a 10 foot head with a thermal efficiency of 5%. Commercial units now available can pump 5000 GPH against a similar head, so they are not play things.
In the automotive realm, a Swedish industrial group, The Ford Corporation has produced a Stirling powered generator system for motor homes. The heart of this system is a quiet and vibration free V-2 Stirling engine rated at 8 KW (10 HP) shaft output. This engine drives a 6.5 KW generator to operate all the electrical appliances in the motor home. It also uses the engine waste heat to provide hot water for heating, all without any noise of a conventional internal combustion motor generator. Several groups, including Ford and GMH, have done experimental work with Stirling engines but don’t hold your breath waiting for one to come out in the next Commodore.
So who knows whether this engine will come into its own one day or be left on the shelf like a lot of other good ideas? It seems to me that it has a lot of promise and should be developed for the general use of the masses on the premise of its clean burning possibilities and its noise free operation. I hope you have enjoyed these articles and that it has given you an insight into the operation of a very old technology, maybe about to become developed into new technology.
Yasunori Takahashi is the CEO of Sciex Corporation in Japan and was the inventor of the Beta videotape technology at a time when he was working for Sony. He has since turned his inventing efforts to magnets and associated technologies and has come up with some rather astounding results, some by good management and some by accident. One of Takahashi's laboratory assistants misread an instruction given to him while making some magnets and added neodymium (Nd) to the experiment instead of niobium (Nb). What this did was create the most powerful magnet that is available today. Previous to this discovery the maximum Megegauss Oersted rating (MgOe) that was possible was 55 MgOe, but Takahashi has created a magnet with an incredible rating of 144.7
In November 1995, Takahashi travelled to London to release his Self Generating Motor (SGM) which was fitted to a modified electric scooter. The motor was fitted with the new magnets and on almost discharged batteries it ran on a freeway at 55Mph and showed an acceleration from 0 to 30 Mph in about 4 seconds. The batteries were reported to only spin the motor up to speed and then the motor would continue to run without any further input. It was reported that a video was also shown by the inventor of one of these motors driving an alternator. The motor was connected to a battery for starting and then removed while two lights connected to the alternator continued to remain fit.
Takahashi has also used his magnets to increase the life of rechargeable batteries such as those used in mobile phones, camcorders, etc. The "battery doubler" as it is called consists of one inch wide squares of magnetic material which attaches to the battery. This device is said to extend the battery running time by 1. 5 to 2.5 times. These are being sold in America by a company called Magnetic Power Inc. who can be contacted on 707-829-9391 or by Fax on 707-829-1002.
Finally there is this amazing invention of Yasunori Takahashi which is a capacitor rated at 20 Farads at 25 Volts and has a physical dimension of 1 cubic centimetre!!! This invention has been
financed by Panasonic in Japan. Takahashi did a demonstration of it's use by fitting one in the base of a thermos flask. The water was boiled by using electricity from the grid and then during the next 24 hours each time boiling water was required he simply pressed a button on the side of the unit that released the stored
energy in the capacitor to bring the water back to the boil.
So as you can see this guy has really been making inroads into the areas that conventional scientists have been saying is impossible. Not only this, but he has been demonstrating them in public showing that this stuff really works and is
beginning to get his inventions accepted by those with the commercial purse strings.
The following report came via the Internet and shows that testing of cold fusion devices is still underway and that they are
getting some tangible results from their testing. This report is dated December 13, 1995 and is entitled "CETI Demonstrates 1,300 Watt
Cold Fusion Reactor". It is claimed that the device produces 1000 to 4000 times the power input.
"Last week at the Power-Gen '95 Americas power industry trade show in Anaheim (December 5-7, 1995), a 1-kilowatt cold fusion reactor was demonstrated by Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETI) of Dallas Texas. The cathode is composed of thousands of 1 min diameter co-polymer beads with a flash coat of copper and multiple layers of electrolytically deposited thin film nickel and palladium. CETI holds three U.S. patents on the beads, with additional patents pending. During the demonstration, between 0.1 and 1.5 watts of electricity was input and the cell output 450 to 1,300 watts of heat. In April 1995, at the Fifth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF5) CETI demonstrated a cell with input of 0.14 watts and a peak excess of 2.5 watts, a ratio of 1:18. In October 1995, at the 16th biannual Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE '95) the University of Illinois showed a CETI cell with 0. 06 watts input and 5 watts peak output a ratio of 1:83. Ratios at Power-Gen ranged from 1:1000 to 1:4000.
CETI plans to follow up on this with demonstrations of prototype consumer products, including larger cells for space heating and heat engines. They are working to develop these devices as rapidly as they can. They estimate that it will take six months to one year to make suitable prototypes. CETI is now engaged in joint R&D projects with five corporate and university strategic partners, including the University of Illinois and the University of Missouri. All five have independently verified the excess heat. The University of Illinois group has fabricated beads from scratch using a sputtering technique rather than electrolytic deposition. They have observed excess heat from their own beads as well as beads provided to them by
The next meeting will be held on: Friday April 19th.
This month we will have a special guest Charles Curtayne, speaking on "Sound, Light and
Healing". Charles lives in Melbourne and runs a business called Spectro Chrome Australia and is coming to Adelaide for the Body - Mind - Psychic Expo.
This month's videos are: a short documentary on the physics of lightening. excerpts from several "Sightings" programs.
Don't forget to bring along $3 to help finance the newsletter and the book/audio/video library. Also something for supper would be appreciated. Hope to see you all at the next meeting!!!