A S T R O  S A


Adelaide Branch

Welcome to the October newsletter - what there is of it! Unfortunately with the combination of selling and buying houses and a massive failure of my computer, I have not had much time or resources to devote to this months edition. Unfortunately there are four pages of this months newsletter stuck on the computer hard disc somewhere in Sydney. Hopefully I will be able to make up the shortfall next month, however in the meantime I would like to thank Peter M for the use of his computer to at least get something out this month.


The meeting was quite well attended with 21 people present and one apology from Peter due to ill health. Ashley opened the meeting at 8.05PM by welcoming everyone including new member Brian. Dan reported that we had $345 in the bank and that he had some audio\visual scapes on video tape which would be shown at 7PM directly before the November meeting for those interested. I then read the correspondence which included a letter from Cliff, information on the American Flywheel System, brochures on the LEMI fuel saver system, an advertisement for the Infinite Energy magazine and the ASTRO VIC. newsheet. 1 then brought up the subject of health effects of powerline radiation as featured in a recent New Scientist magazine.

Leon opened the general part of the meeting with an offer of secondhand batteries, closely followed by Ashley with 7 new audio tapes that he has copied from Peters collection plus another 3 cubic feet of radio\electronic books which dated back to 1947. Colin gave a report on a recent UFO meeting, which was mainly dealing with the Roswell Incident although the increase in sightings in South Australia was also discussed. Ashley introduced a new magazine called Exposure which is another Nexus style magazine and then brought up the subject of alternative venues for monthly meetings. Thankyou to Cedric, Dan and Michael for the offer of the use of their houses. Tom opened a discussion on lightning and its effects (none of which were good) on electronic equipment, and then passed around a model of his Positive Displacement Pump which he is getting manufactured. The difference between this pump and others is that the flow of fluid can be reversed by operating a lever on the side of the pump. Tom also reported that he now has a motor to power his ACEFORCE project thanks to some assistance from Randal. Dino then talked of a report he saw on ACE TV about the Greenhouse Effect in which a meteorologist said that it is all bullshit! (who do we believe?) After his absence from the group, Andrew gave a report on his latest steam saga, and Dino requested a connector to fit the LED screen of his computer to which Mr Photocopier replied that he had the answer!!!!

Finally we got around to showing the UFO video that Ashley had edited and then it was tea and bickies time again with a threat of death to anyone who spilt anything on the newly cleaned carpet.


As mentioned in the October meeting report, Andrew is still working on variations of his steam injection systems. He now has moved from the Bongo van, via a Datsun 180B, to a GH Sigma wagon. This vehicle is about to be fitted with a new system using hot air off the exhaust passing through some pads which have water sprayed onto them. This has the effect of feeding hot air saturated with water into the engine, thus getting the fuel vaporising effects of the heat without any pinging problems. This saturated air will then pass through the normal air cleaner which has been coated with a catalyst to try and coax out the hydrogen from the water thus giving more power and less fuel usage. Hopefully there will be more to report next month.

I have done a little more experimenting this month with my system. I have fitted a hot air bleed tap inside the car so that I can try different settings while I am driving to get the best economy readings on the fuel computer. This has been marginally successful and my next step is to programme this information into the controller so that the different settings will operate automatically as the vehicle is being driven. Even with all the messing around the average fuel economy for the last couple of weeks has still been in the low 40MPG so I am real happy with that.


For those interested in water splitting, this patent may be of interest. It is entitled, "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules, U. S. Patent 4,394,230 and was issued on July 19th, 1983. It describes a new and improved thermodynamic device to produce H2 and 02 from water at normal temperature and pressure. Combined with this is a method for electrically treating water molecules to decompose them into H2 and 02 at efficiency levels of 80 - 100%.


This is another too good to be true type of catalogue. Having been excited and then disappointed by information such as this many times before, I shall remain sceptical for the time being. One of our interstate friends has already volunteered to be the guinea pig and has sent some money off for the plans of the 200HP Fuelless Engine. He will let me know when the plans arrive for evaluation. Until then we can only live in hope!! The full catalogue will be available for perusal at the next meeting.


An American company, Hydrogen Manufacturing Systems Inc. (HMS) have produced a hybrid system for running motor vehicles on hydrogen\petrol and have released it on the retail market. HMS is offering the 90 PAK", a compact, lightweight, efficient water electrolysis unit made up of 10 HN4S Electrolyser Cells. It produces hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2:1 for direct injection into the air intake of petrol powered internal combustion engines, thereby reducing the amount of hydrocarbon, nitrous oxide, and carbon monoxide emissions. The unit is advertised as being completely safe. Only water and a small percent of electrolyte are stored in a compact, easy to mount plastic (that's a worry) tank. There is no storage of gas because as soon as the power is turned off, gas production ceases.

HMS Inc. is dedicated to the research and development of new, clean alternative energy products that provide useful "work" without the generation of environmental pollutants. Contact for this company is at 15431 Chemical Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. Phone 714-893-7271, Fax 714-893-6901.

I have sent a letter off to the above address requesting more information and price list, so maybe I will have some more information by next month.


The next meeting will be held on the second Friday once again, at the usual time of 7.30 PM, the date being.............. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10TH.

However take note that the new meeting venue will be at Michael's house.


This will be one hour of edited highlights from this three hour video tape.

The usual applies in that please bring $3.00 to cover video purchase and newsletter printing and postage, and something for supper would be appreciated.

I hope to see you all at the next meeting !!!! Don't forget the change of venue!!!!!!