A S T R O  S A


Adelaide Branch


This months meeting began with Ashley opening proceedings at 8.20PM with 16 people present and apologies from 8 others half of which were struck done by winter colds. Our new Treasurer Dan presented his report on finances with the subject of the Ext. Science magazine being raised again plus a new idea of getting T shirts printed with the ASTRO SA logo on them. This second idea was not met with much enthusiasm and so has been shelved for now. I then presented the Secretaries report which consisted of letters from the Byron Bay and Victorian ASTRO groups plus a letter and photograph from Raphael on his magnet motor and finally I showed the "Overdue" cards which will be slipped into the newsletters of those who do not return their borrowed videos or books on time. Ashley then led a discussion on the new logo to replace the one on the top of the newsletter. Hopefully it will appear on the next edition but if you have any ideas the committee is still open to suggestions. This topic flowed on to ideas being shared on the rest of the newsletter with 2 or 3 columns font size having the month or issue number displayed and removing my address off the front page all being discussed. Ashley then opened the meeting up to general topics with the subject of a comet which is coming close to the earth in 1997. Michael followed by saying a friend of his had invited him to have a look at a video tape on how UFO's worked and will report on it at the next meeting. Roger lowered the tone of the meeting by talking about toilets (the self composting type) and while on the subject, nobody commented on the toilet poetry! Ashley then inquired about the Autoeeze teflon treatment for car engines that was in the July newsletter while Tony reported that the MRA device has died with the inventor Wootan saying he is going to patent it. Tony also said that the price of magnets has gone up. Michael presented some more info that he has gleaned off the Intemet including another copy of the magnetic shielding information. Finally several people had a play with Rogers linear magnet motor demonstration setup and then it was onto the video. Nobody got up and went outside for a smoke so it must have been OK. I think the most popular subject was the guy running his diesel on fish and chip shop fat, he certainly had the system extracting absolutely every last bit of heat out of the engine. The meeting proper finished at 10.30PM and was followed by eats and drinks and talks, with Dino and Tony being booted out again a bit after midnight.


Peter passed on this article from the June 1995 edition of the English magazine Professional Engineering.

"A method of improving the vaporisation of internal combustion engine fuels could eliminate the carburettor or enable low-grade fuels to be used. The system uses a valve in the induction manifold which remains closed during the first part of the induction stroke, preventing the fuel/air mixture from entering the cylinder. This induces a partial vacuum in the combustion chamber until the valve opens during the second part of the induction stroke. Admitting the fuel into the reduced pressure chamber at this point in the cycle ensures good vaporisation before the compression and ignition strokes of the cycle. One claimed advantage is using paraffin as fuel." '




For all the computer heads, Borderland  Sciences Research Foundation is now connected to Internet. They can be reached on "ftp northcoast.com - login:anonymous - cd pub/bsrf'. Send E-mail to "bsrf@northcoast.com" while they can be contacted via modern  for the BORDERLANDS BBS on (707)  825 7739 (14,400bps, n81)


Here is Part 2 of Roger's report on the Searl Conference that a few of us recently attended in Melbourne.

The afternoon session followed the same format as the morning lecture with more slides along with explanations by Prof Searl He explained how one of the Germans working on the SEG has made several rollers but after three weeks they disintegrated Apparently the grain size of the raw material had been too large and finer milling would be required to solve the problem.

Talking again about earlier experiments, he explained that he had built 41 vehicles in all - mostly small 3 to 4 foot craft. Apparently during one experiment one of the smaller craft was launched and ascended 3 miles in 3 minutes, took 3 more minutes to be over Cornwall and in a further 3 minutes was back again. Prof Searl expanded on this saying that a full size craft could be built which would take 20 minutes to get out of the earths atmosphere, put on a 2 second burst of power and then cruise to the moon. It could be there in 50 minutes, needing another 10 minutes to find a place to land.

The suggestion was that it would be a great tourist venture, a day trip to the moon, with only 2 hours travelling time. There was also mention of his belief that there will be a pole shift on earth on 5th May 2000, due to the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn.

The talk then went on to the idea of forming a group in Melbourne to begin work on an SEG. The requirements being: 1) A 70 ton press. 2) An electronic balance. 3) An Argon oven - large enough to accommodate the press and balance and with
access through the sides for two people to work. 4) A vacuum pump to evacuate the oven. 5) Scrap metal to powder up and experiment with to make rollers. The idea is to combine the materials, heat, compress slowly allowing the oxygen to escape and then allow to cool slowly. Once the group is able to make rollers with no cracks or flaws, Prof Searl will provide information on the next steps. There were a few general comments about some of the elements, rare earths, etc. that would be needed to make up the rollers and rings.

Following this was a fairly lively question and answer session with some interesting details coming out. Just a small cross section:

Q: What maximum output from an SEG before it would take OM.

A: It would depend on the designed output. eg. An SEG designed for 11 KW maximum would become airborne if approximately 15 KW of power were drawn from it.

Q: How do you set the output frequency say to run 240 Volt 50 Hertz equipment?

A: Again, that is designed into it. The only problem would occur if you attempted to take more power from it than planned - it would speed up as the temperature dropped.

Q: What sort of load do you apply to make it fly?

A: Simply a resistive load. Take the load off it when you want to stop it. 

Q: What is the effect of two flying machines in close proximity?

A: There is a one metre force field all the way around the craft so they cannot collide. That also makes them safe from meteors.

Q. What is the mechanism for control of the craft?

A: You have to put a few million volts on the surface of the craft which allows it to create its own gravity field ... two "likes" repel so you get lift. The lecture closed with Prof Searl suggesting that one of his craft could be sent out into the "asteroid belt where NASA claim to have identified an asteroid, some miles in diameter, which is supposed to be virtually solid platinum! The idea would be to latch onto this giant rock, bring it back into orbit around the earth and then proceed to cut it up, bit by bit, and bring it back to earth for sale!

We were able again, after the lecture to meet other interesting folk, topping off a very interesting day. For myself, despite having read quite a lot about Prof Searl's work, I am still left with more questions than  I started with. (Thankyou once again to Roger for the excellent coverage on the Searl lecture)


In his book The Big Switch, Gavin Gilchrist demonstrates that there are abundant resources of natural energy in Australia and the technology to use them. However it is also claimed that our politicians and chiefs of the energy industry are still locked in the coal based technology of the industrial revolution and so are not prepared to invest in a clean future. Although electricity is promoted as the "clean" fuel, over 80% of Australian electricity is generated by burning coal. The Federal Government has agreed to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2000, but the power industry has growth plans for Queensland, NSW, Victoria and South Australia. This will take carbon dioxide emission levels to about 29% above the nationally agreed target by 2000.

This book shows that alternative technology already exists. Now the authorities must be forced to adopt them. In 1994 Australian scientists boasted the development of a world class solar power station design and the world's best material for solar energy collectors. They also developed the world's highest performing silicon solar cell, and designed and manufactured world class electronics essential for the control of renewable energy systems. All this technology is already being used on a wide scale in America. So, why isn't Australia making the big switch? According to Gilchrist: `What Australia lacks is governments and power companies which act on behalf of all the community rather than serving narrow selected interests."

On a more positive note, facts about how much renewable energy is available to us in Australia are presented, such as:

-The wind blowing across south-western Australia could generate 45 times Australia's total electricity consumption.

-Every day in Australia 15,000 times more energy from the sun strikes the land than we use from all energy sources.

-The winds of Tasmania could generate two-thirds of the country's needs. "The Big Switch" is published by Allen and Unwin and costs $16.95.


Continuing on from last month, we shall now look at efficiencies of the Tesla turbine. To begin with I shall reproduce part of Tesla's original patent dealing with the mechanics of the performance of the turbine.

"Owing to a number of causes affecting the performance, it is difficult to frame a precise rule which would generally be applicable, but it may be stated that within certain limits, and other conditions being the same, the torque is directly proportionate to the square of the velocity of the fluid relatively to the runner and to the effective area of the disks and, inversely, to the distance separating them. The machine will, generally, perform its maximum work when the effective speed of the runner is one half that of the fluid: but to attain the highest economy, the relative speed or slip, for any given performance, should be as small as possible. This condition may be to any desired degree approximated by increasing the active area of and reducing the space between disks."

I think this shows that to obtain good efficiencies out of this device, the design is quite critical with regard to the type of fluid used compared to the area of the disks and the spacing between them. As Leon pointed out. to me, recently built examples that have given poor efficiencies have all used round holes for the exhaust ports whereas Teslas original used elongated ports - could this be part of the reason? The argument on efficiencies was going on even back in 1915 when "Engineering" magazine made this report entitled Theory of the Tesla turbine.

"In our issue of  November 10th, 1911, we gave a short account of the Tesla turbine, and showed that even under ideal conditions the hydraulic efficiency of a turbine of this kind cannot possibly exceed 50%. In a paper published last June in Revue de Mecanique, and since reproduced in a number of French technical journals, Professor E. Merigeault, of the Ecol Nationale des St. Etienne, combats this conclusion, maintaining the contrary view, that the efficiency may be very high, and will be higher, the higher the friction" The article goes on to discuss this in depth with all the appropriate formulas to back up each sides argument. The complete item is available in the ASTRO library for those interested in the mathematics of it all. So depending on who's theory you want to believe, the efficiency can be "proved" mathematically to be less than 50% or approaching 100%!

So now that we are all totally confused I guess it comes back to the individual to do ones own building and testing to find out how good this device really is. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has done some experimenting in this area and will print any response in future newsletters. In the final article next month, I shall present some of Professor Merigeault's improvements to the turbine which he claims will give efficiencies approaching 100%.


A high performance carbon material used as a heat barrier in the Space Shuttle is helping to produce environmentally friendly car engines. The material, a form of graphite, when used to manufacture pistons, is claimed to reduce hydrocarbon emissions by 30% compared with today's aluminium pistons. Carbon pistons are nearly a third lighter than aluminium ones, can withstand much higher temperatures and have a much lower coefficient of thermal expansion. A number of carbon piston engines have been built and improvements in engine performance have already been measured.

Besides the reduced hydrocarbons there is also the benefit of reduced oil consumption compared with conventional engines, due to the low thermal expansion and small clearances. In the immediate future carbon pistons are expected to be used first in high performance cars, and then possibly racing cars, which could also benefit from their light weight and superior engine performance. The "Warwick Manufacturing Group" in Warwick England are manufacturing these pistons.



Cliff has sent down some interesting information, amongst which was an article on some material called Metglass, made by a company called Allied Chemicals. Metglass is a material that was designed to replace iron in the magnetic cores of transformers. It does not retain a magnetic charge as does iron. In other words it has no permeability. This prevents heating losses that normally occur when AC power reverses polarity. Metglass also has been discovered to be a very effective material for use in hydrolysers. It does not contaminate as normal metals do and has been reported to produce 17 cubic feet per hour in a package that measures only 100min wide by 125min long by 40mm thick with an input of only 500 watts. At 12 volts this would be about 42 amps. This is very significant as an average of 14 cubic feet per hour is all that's required to run an automobile entirely on hydrogen alone.


Continuing on from last months listings is this months list of publications that are available in the alternate/free energy field.

International Tesla Society
PO Box 5636
Colorado Springs, CO 80931

Rex Research
PO Pox 19250
Jean, NV 89019

PO Box 429
Garberville, CA 95440-0429

Tesla Book Company


Space Energy Newsletter
PO Box 11422, Clearwater FL 34616

PACE Newsletter
191 Promenade du Portage 9600
Hull Quebec J8X 2K6

Energy Unlimited Newsletter
M Box 288, Los Lunas NM 87031

Extraordinary Science (quarterly magazine)
International Tesla Society, PO Box 5636, Colorado Springs, CO 80931

Electrifying Times
663600 Deschutes Rd
Bend, OR 97701


This is the article that Michael retrieved for us ftorn the Internet on magnetic shielding materials. It was written by Chris Zeth and he says "Mumetal is much better than iron for low frequencies. My company is a supplier of magnetic shields and shielding
material such as Mumetal. If you would like some information on Mumetal, as well as info regarding magnetic shielding design and theory, send me your mall address and I will send you a copy of our FREE Complete Guide to Magnetic Shielding. Or, if you would like to discuss your application in more detail, give me a call." The address and phone numbers is as follows: AMUNEAL MANUFACTURING CORP. - 4737 Darrah Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19124 (T) 215-535-3000 (F) 215-743-1715.

On the same subject, after the Searl conference we met some guys from Geelong who were heavily into magnetic motor design and they told us that they purchased some Mumetal from a company in Adelaide. I have not chased it up but if anyone knows of this company or if anyone obtains a copy of the above information from Amuneal let me know and I shall pass it on via this newsletter.


Well, I hope you liked this combination of styles for this months newsletter. (I didn't!) I guess it is time for a change after nearly three years of doing them! So don't forget to fill out the questionaire and get it back to me by the next meeting. (If you can't make it post it back or ring me.) Also regarding the cost of the newsletter for those who subscribe, at the last committee meeting it was decided that the cost had to go up to $20 per year as we were still losing money at the present rate.


The next meeting will be held on the second Friday once again, at the usual time of, 7.30 PM, the date being: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH. The video for this meeting will be: THE PHYSICS OF NON-TOXIC AGRICULTURE.

This video was recorded in South Australia in October 1993 at a lecture given by Philip Callahan and is about using paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials to enhance the Schumann waves for better crop growth and pest control, similar to what the early Christian monks did when they built the Irish Round Towers,

The usual applies in that please bring $3.00 to cover video purchase and newsletter printing and postage, and something for supper would be appreciated.