A S T R O  S A


Adelaide Branch


This months meeting began at 8PM with 17 people present and apologies from Cedric, Damien and Kevin. I began by reading the incoming mail which included information on the upcoming NEXUS conference, a catalogue from the Byron Bay ASTRO group, more information from Robert Michaels, the latest release of information from Robert Adams and some newsletters from the Searl Group in Western Australia. Ashley then led a discussion on how to handle the borrowing of the 1994 Symposium notes and it was agreed to split them into smaller booklets so that they become easier to handle. It was also decided after a vote (16 for and 1 against) to advertise the group in appropriate places around Adelaide and in NEXUS. Other items discussed were the disclaimer which you would have read at the beginning of this newsletter, and the fact that we have basically run out of videos suitable for showing at meetings. Dino and Tony did have some suggestions but we are not that kind of group! It was suggested that we get some guest speakers along to our meetings which most people seemed to think was a good idea. Ian has already started down this track and has approached someone to talk on the Quantum hot water service and associated subjects.

Ashley spoke about a current affairs show in New Zealand which carried a story on the person behind the Split Cycle engine. Apparently he has been a naughty boy and owes the government lots of money in taxes. Ian showed some information on measuring frequencies followed by Tony with some information on a UK television company looking for suppressed inventions. (see article later in this newsletter) Andrew then gave an interesting talk on his latest project using steam injection and a Rootes blower on the exhaust of his test bed - the Bongo van! Andrew also spoke on the cancer treatment using herbs as was seen in NEXUS. Finally Roger gave a report on the WA company who are producing systems using LTPC technology. (see article in this newsletter) The Split Cycle Engine video was shown next and I was amazed as nobody complained!! As the coffee mugs were being brought out, Dino talked about a power lead which was supposed to reduce the amount of power that equipment draws from the mains. It didn't, but during some spectrum analyser tests we did on the radiation produced by various computers, we did notice that this lead did reduce some of those. And so ended another very active Friday night meeting with the stragglers being evicted just after midnight.


For those interested in Searl's work, the Searl Group in WA are bringing him to Australia on a lecture tour. He will be lecturing in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne but not in Adelaide unless someone (or group) decide to take it on. The committee of ASTRO SA Inc. have decided that there would not be enough interest in Adelaide to get the required number of people (50 to 100) to make a lecture here viable so we are not prepared to organise it. The Melbourne lecture is on July 15th and costs $55 at the door or $45 pre-purchased and goes from 10am until 4pm. Also on offer are private dinners with Searl (maximum of 10 people) for $85. For further information contact Steve Walker of The Searl Group Australia on 096 35 1540.


Randal has passed onto me two articles on fuel savers, one of which was featured in an ASTRO newsletter not long after we began over two years ago. This was the device which fitted between the carburetor and manifold, was made of aluminium and had magnets inside it. The inventor, Roy McDonnell, claimed the device cut fuel consumption by half and reduced pollution. This was back in August 1993, has anyone any information on what has happened to Roy and his device?

The other fuel saver was called the Cyclone. Korean inventor Sei Young Kim demonstrated the device at the Australian Automotive Trade Fair in 1993 and was awarded an academic prize by the invention festival of Bulgaria (WHERE????) for his contribution to automotive engineering. The Cyclone is a small metal device which is said to make the air/fuel mixture swirl around before being forced into the combustion chamber. Savings of up to 20% in fuel consumption, up to 30% less pollution and up to 10% more power output were claimed. Once again what has happened to the man and his invention?


Western Australian company Thermal Energy Accumulator Products (TEAP) are the latest players in the LTPC technology, and they have products on the market already. (underfloor heating, hot water systems and pool heating, not to mention the stubby cooler) The main difference between this system and others like those purported by Dennis Lee is that the phase change occurs in a salt which absorbs and releases the energy as it melts or freezes. For example, a salt which melts at 29C absorbs energy when the surrounding temperature goes above 30C, and gives out great energy when the ambient temperature goes below 28C. TEAP have a range of different melting point salts from -21C up to +90C so they can be used for a variety of applications. eg. the hot water system uses 58C salt.

The system was invented in Europe in the mid 1980's by Mario Stiffler and he called his system Thermal Energy Accumulation. (TEA) The TEA system consists of two components which are:

1.    A solar energy collector which absorbs solar energy at a high level of efficiency and at a low cost. Waste heat can also be used. 

2.    An energy accumulator which is an insulated box containing hydrated TEA salts of selected fusion temperatures which absorb the collected energy, stores the energy until it is demanded back, and then releases the energy on demand.

The most interesting device as far as free energy interests go though is their Thermo Volumetric Motor. (TVM) This is basically a motor/turbine fitted into the refrigerant line of the unit to produce motive power to drive a generator, etc. (same idea as Lee and Wiseman) The principle of thermo volumetrics is a confrontation of two different temperature ranges, with the temperature differential being called Delta T. In the TEA thermo volumetric applications, the Delta T differential is maintained on a constant basis by use of a high temperature hydrated salt and a low temperature cooling system using two separate TEA accumulators. Energy is collected via the collector and is then absorbed by the high temperature salts. The salts are typically with a fusion temperature of 58C or 90C. The maintenance of a constant Delta T maintains the system which then drives the motor/turbine via the refrigerant in the system. The TVM uses two thermal energy banks, one hot bank at around 60C to provide energy to a refrigerant which converts and expands liquid to gas and another cold bank at around 10C which cools and contracts the refrigerant and returns it via a pump in a liquid state to the hot bank. (see accompanying diagram)

Further information can be obtained from Terry Solomon on 09 244 1665 or FAX on 092441667.


Lauderdale Productions in the UK is a television company specialising in investigative journalism and science programming and are currently exploring the possibility of a TV series that will look at science that has been suppressed. The show titled "Science on the Edge" will look at science that has been suppressed, ignored or rubbished by authorities, scientific community or industry. What they want to find are theories/inventions/discoveries that can be independently corroborated and situations where there is documented evidence of government, industry or scientific mainstream dirty work. What they can't follow up are unsubstantiated reports that someone, somewhere, overheard.

If you have a story WHICH YOU KNOW TO BE PERSONALLY TRUE (rather than something which sounds probable but you only heard second or third hand) then they would love to here from you. If you can help, contact Tony and he will be able to get you in contact with these people.


For those following the Beardon/Trippett saga, the following item may be of interest to you. Robert Michaels has sent down an idea to simplify the circuit by removing the second battery and using only two ammeters and two mosfets/transistors as in the circuit below. Robert does query however that maybe this is too simple and perhaps the original circuit provides isolation between components. What do YOU think?? Gee, there are lots of questions in this newsletter.


The MRA situation has been up and down more than a yo-yo this month with an independent test having been done by Hal Puthoff, Scott Little and their team at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin. Below is part of their report:

January 20th: "An MRA device provided by Joel McClain and Norman Wooten was tested for power efficiency. The MRA is essentially a power converter, driven by an audio frequency AC voltage and producing a DC output. Our tests included meter measurements, made in the manner employed by McClain and Wooten, and digital oscilloscope measurements, which provided high-resolution recording of input voltage and current traces. Our meter measurements duplicated the results reported by McClain and Wooten which would appear to indicate over-unity(>100% efficiency) performance at certain frequencies, but only because the active behaviour of the system is not properly taken into account by this measurement procedure. The digital oscilloscope measurements, which correctly account for the effects of circuit reactance, yielded a nearly constant 50% efficiency at all frequencies.

Conclusion: Based on the results of our experimentation and analysis we find that the device provided by McClain and Wooten does not produce over-unity-efficiency results. The MRA circuit behaves instead as one would expect of a loaded transformer with a series capacitor in the primary circuit. When the MRA is detuned from resonance to frequencies slightly below resonance, the observed changes may give the impression that the MRA then draws unusually little power from the source while nonetheless maintaining a healthy output. This impression is false. True power measurements show that the MRA continues to draw about twice as much power from the source as it delivers to the load."

February 10th: The inventors are still claiming that their device is over-unity and that the independent tests done on it showed the same results that they obtained but were interpreted differently. They still claim that tests they have done have showed overunity effects including running lamps as a load while the input current has been reduced to a minimum. They are in the process of building a self sustaining unit, so I guess that this will prove one way or the other if this device is genuine or not. Has anyone over here tried repeating their experiments? If so please let me know. More next month.


1 thought that this was an interesting theory which may help some people in their quest for an understanding of some of the things which we are involved in. On the other hand it may just add more confusion! This article was written by Norman Wootan (one of the MRA group) and was downloaded off the Internet by Tony. Also for those interested, there is a copy of the Cold Fusion Patent now in the ASTRO library.

"In 1892 Nikola Tesla created electrostatic discharges from an induction coil that possessed every characteristic of what we commonly know as a chemical decomposition flame and posed the question to the scientific world; "Is a chemical flame simply a release of atomic electrostatic resonances during transition between states of matter?"

My Cold Fusion Patent search was based on the theory that since electrostatic forces are the "glue" or binding force which holds all mater together then if we use resonant standing waves (scalar effect) then we could disassemble the atomic structure which is what Tesla had proposed during his Lecture before the Electrical Engineering Conference in London when he described his carbon button lamp experiments. My theory explains the disassociation process in the electrolytic cell when we separate hydrogen and oxygen from water. It is the inter-atomic resonances that cause the disassociation of the hydrogen from the oxygen in the simple electrolysis of water. The normally strong molecular bond of the H20 molecule is broken by the difference in resonant frequencies of hydrogen and oxygen which are excited by the flow of electric current.

When hydrogen is oxidized by oxygen (combustion) the results, water and a release of energy which we perceive as heat and light is actually a broad band of electrostatic resonances. This conforms with Tesla's observations. Since the electromagnetic spectrum goes from "O"HZ or DC all the way up to Cosmic Rays and who knows how much higher (infinity) with no differentiation or categories of energy then why can't all frequencies be electrostatic resonances. When we feel heat we say that is "heat" but it is actually an electrostatic resonance that we perceive as heat and if the frequency is high enough it becomes visible red or even higher frequency it becomes white light if the resonances are broad band to encompass enough frequencies."


Due to circumstances beyond our control we have in our possession an extra copy. If anyone would like to buy them at the bargain price of $35 see Andrew at the next meeting.


The next meeting will be held on the third Friday once again, at the usual time of 7.30 PM, the date being: 


Video:I thought that the programme called "Hacker Attack" might be interesting for those who did not see it on SBS last week. If most people have seen it we shall be democratic and have a vote as to what to do instead on the meeting night.

The usual applies in that please bring $3.00 to cover video purchase and newsletter printing and postage, and something for supper would be appreciated.

I hope to see you all at the next meeting.