A S T R O  S A


Adelaide Branch

Welcome to the September edition of the newsletter. The enthusiasm of the group seems to be growing with more people taking an active role in the running of meetings and gathering information. All we need now is a device that works and we will be really successful.


This meeting had our largest ever attendance with 34 people present, boosted mainly by a group of astrologers and Sai Baba followers interested in the guest speaker, talking about the Spiral Calendar. We had one apology from Michael, so all in all we had a very well attended but cramped meeting.

Ashley opened the meeting at around 8PM with a welcome to all the regulars and newcomers followed by the Treasurers report that we still have money to spend. I then read the correspondence received this month, which included the latest Crop Circle newsletter (the last that we will receive) and still on the same subject, Steven contacted his father who rang me to pass on the news that he walked inside a newly formed circle in England and found the experience most unusual - I guess we will hear the details when he returns to Australia. Other correspondence came from Raphael in Sydney (more of this later) and from Anton who sent us a list of information available on F/E devices from the Internet Bulletin Board. We also received a flyer on the Sydney Conference of Intellectual Suppression from the NSW ASTRO group and some information from Victoria regarding their further experimenting with Hydrogen. In reference to local and non ASTRO information, there was mention of a Kabbala workshop and a hand drumming workshop.

Onto the meeting proper, and Dino asked if anyone had a particular use for a Tesla coil, as the local Waldorf School has asked me to make one, which our group will be able to borrow to use for experiments. Thus ended the quickest formal part of the meeting that I think we have ever had and Frank Chapman then gave his talk on the Spiral Calendar. This went for about an hour and was followed by an attempt to show the Cold Fusion video. Due to a temperamental video machine this was not possible, but we did get it to work with another tape and so we watched the latest Darwin to Adelaide Solar Car race. Thoughts then turned to chocolate biscuits and coffee while many people quizzed Frank about his calendar work before the last stragglers were evicted at about midnight.


The Wave Principal was discovered by Ralph Elliott to reflect social behaviour and trends into recognisable patterns. Using stock market data as his main research tool he found that complex systems evolve in stages of punctuated growth - spurts of growth followed by pauses, or as Frank would say, impulse waves followed by correction waves. The basic pattern consists of five waves in the direction of the next larger trend and three waves against that trend. This building up of a small pattern into larger patterns is characteristic of non-linear processes and results in a fractal structure. This parallels many of the latest findings in leading edge physics and bio-physics.

Frank talked about the discovery of the Spiral Calendar by Christopher Carolan and it's relationship to the Fibonacci series and moon cycles. The Fibonacci series (due to it's additive and multiplying qualities) underpins all growth processes and naturally occurring systems. When used in connection with lunar cycles Carolan found a tight correlation between the timing of significant personal and social events, i.e. the "mood" fluctuations of the times.

Examples given were in reference to the current dispute between Bob Hawke and Paul Keating and the dates of significant occurrences in their respective political careers. Frank also correlated many current world happenings with the calendar, and left material on the above topics, for members to borrow. We hope to see Frank at future meetings giving updates of contemporary events.



An article appeared in the New Scientist magazine about Stan Meyer and his work. It stated that a retired Navy Admiral, Anthony Griffin is a close friend of Meyers and is convinced that the hydrogen fracturing process actually works, despite there being a lack of an explanation for it. The article goes on to say that the Meyer electric cell consists of concentric cylindrical electrodes of stainless steel which are sitting in ordinary tap water. He claims to split water by passing low currents of around 0.5 milliamps through the cell at voltages of 20,000 volts in extremely short pulses at frequencies of between 10 and 20 kilohertz. Meyer claims that these electrically polarised conditions strain and break the covalent bonding between the hydrogen and oxygen, liberating the two gases. Simultaneously, he says, the latent energy trapped in the atomic nuclei called "zero point energy" is liberated, accounting for the extra energy. "It only uses energy that's already there in the hydrogen atom", says Meyer. "It's not a perpetual motion device."

The article then goes on to quote orthodox scientists, one of whom suggests that the extra energy comes from the decomposition of the stainless steel electrodes and that the car probably ran from the battery supplying the current. Another scientist conceded that zero point energy does exist but believes it to be untappable.

Finally Meyer says that his technologies have been taken seriously by NASA and the Pentagon while his friend Griffin says that Meyer has received death threats from the oil industry.


Another item on hydrogen appeared in the "Inside Science" magazine on the 16th January edition 1993. This article was entitled Return of Water Power and is reproduced below.

"Hydrogen gas poses attractions as a fuel - all it produces on burning is water. However, there are no natural sources of hydrogen gas, and industry harvests it from methane gas, CH4, by partial oxidation which liberates hydrogen, H2, and forms carbon monoxide, CO. Cheap electricity would allow chemists to harvest hydrogen from water by electrolysis, but another method using water as the source of hydrogen has even more appeal; photo- ------- (unfortunately there was some of the article missing at this point, but I thought it worthwhile to reproduce the rest as it may contain information that is useful to some experimenters) -----at Ibaraki discovered that by adding sodium carbonate (washing soda crystals) to the water they can boost the amount of gas given off. Their best results came from a catalyst of TiO2 doped with 0.3% platinum, and 0.3 grams of this catalyst can produce 2 millilitres of hydrogen gas per hour. A tonne of catalyst could yield about 75,000 litres of hydrogen gas (or 100 litres of liquid hydrogen) per sunny day - enough to run a family car.

In 1990 the Musashi-8 car was demonstrated by Nissan and it travelled 300 kilometres on 100 litres of liquid hydrogen. A European project involving Germany's Daimler-Benz, the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, and a British catalyst firm OUP is also looking at ways of using hydrogen as a fuel for vehicles. They point out that with a fuel cell operating an electric motor, hydrogen has an efficiency of 60% compared with the 35% of an internal combustion engine.


The question of magnetic insulators has arisen again with a letter from Raphael who comes from NSW. He recently wrote to me and I shall reprint part of his letter below.

"My other project is a magnetic engine. This is at a standstill at the moment pending more research about magnetic insulators. If anyone out there in the network knows anything, please share it around. Does anybody know anything about bismuth, I have over a kilo of it. I was thinking of crushing it up into a fine powder and mixing it with epoxy resin to make a shield. Any comments?

Anyway, I will keep you up to date if anything happens. Would like to get in touch with anyone else working with magnets (not esoteric)"

If anyone can assist with Raphael's enquiries about bismuth or wishes to communicate with him on the subject of magnets and magnetic motors please contact me and I shall put you in touch with him.


Michael passed on to me an update article on this engine which appeared in the Autumn 1994 edition of the Australian Road and track magazine. The engine's inventor, Rick Maine and his financial partner, Brian Bambach have set up a commercial complex of interlinked but independent factory units which will house development projects. Large companies, including Detroit Diesel, Fiat and General Motors have expressed interest in the project. It is planned to reinvest a lot of their money to give budding inventors economic security and a creative environment in which to evolve their concepts. Already this concept has funded a new engine breakthrough in the field of fuel injection. This new compact injection device overcomes problems associated with current systems to achieve unheard of standards in fuel burning efficiencies and emission reductions.

The concept of the engine is to replace the conventional engine's crankshaft with a series of Geneva gears rotating on an internal gear system and driving a series of small, lightweight pistons in a virtually zero friction environment.  The 500cc version of this engine is equivalent to a 6000cc conventional four stroke, but is 1/12th the physical size. Rick Mayne claims that a 2 litre version of this engine would cost about $300 to manufacture as all major components are cast and machining can be done on conventional equipment, thus tooling costs are reduced. This engine has 600 fewer components, has a torque output of more than 20 times and a power output of more than 4 times than a conventional engine. Also it is claimed that it can run on any fuel, from steam to water/fuel mix, alcohol and vegetable fuels as well as benzine and diesel, with virtually zero emissions of NOx and CO.


Raphael (see earlier article on Magnetic Insulators) also said that he built one of these units but did not have any success with it. This stirred my brain cells as I had found one of these units that I had built years ago while I was sorting out all my electronic bits and pieces over the last few weeks. The unit that I had built was from a design which appeared in the Rex Research catalogue.

 I constructed it on a piece of Vero-board and used six .22uF capacitors, six 47uF capacitors and twelve 1N914 diodes. I connected the earth connection to an "earth stake" in the ground and the aerial to a "long wire" antenna that I use for short wave radio reception. I then monitored the voltage across the unit with a voltmeter and it immediately began to rise. However even after 24 Hours it still only read about 2 Volts. I connected an LED across the unit to see if there was enough capacity in the unit to drive it, but all that did was discharge the voltage back to zero. Below is the circuit diagram of the unit itself.

My question is, has anybody else built one of these units and if so what was the results? Please let me know if there is further information on this device.


This month has seen some more editions to our video library, thanks to Ashley.

Happy Oxygen O3 - by Ed McCabe

There are two videos, "A Practitioners Lecture" and "A Public Lecture", both recorded in 1992.

Also there is an audio tape "Earth Changes Australia" by George-Michael Scallion.

Anton has donated a book "The Trial and Persecution of Gaston Naessens" by Christopher Bird and a pile of information from Internet.

Tony has also donated more information from Internet on the Hyde Electrostatic Energy Field Power Generating System and the Jim Griggs patented Hydrosonic Pump. (both claiming to be over-unity devices)


The committee has decided in the interest of the group to purchase the transcripts of the approximately 50 presenters at this symposium which was held in Denver Colorado in May 1994. This is a 650 page book and a list of contents will be published in a later newsletter.


For those interested, the Tibetan monks from the Gyoto University in northern India, who originally came to Adelaide back in April, and performed two harmonic chanting concerts are coming back from the 1st to the 20th of September. They will be in residence at the Museum creating a sand Mandala as well as giving harmonic chanting workshops and public meditations. For more information ring 207 7428.


The next meeting will be held on the third Friday once again, at the usual time of 7.30 PM, the date being


This meeting will feature Tony giving a demonstration on "Surfing the Net" ie. correct computer protocol to access data from Internet and other Bulletin Boards. He also has some other interesting programmes related to ASTRO type work.

The video for this meeting will be: Cold Fusion (if the video machine works)

The usual applies in that please bring $3.00 to cover video purchase and newsletter printing and postage, and something for supper would be appreciated.

I hope to see you all at the next meeting !!!!