
October 2004 Newsletter

 September Technical Meeting

The meeting began at 8.30pm directly after the AGM. There were 29 people present for most of the meeting with another two arriving after it finished, now that is a bit late!!

Dennis has been busy again this month and brought along a wide range of hardware that he has been working on. This included a set of three Piggot style blades, a set of four blades made from plastic pipe and the beginnings of a homebuilt brush assembly. Dennis explained how it had been difficult to get the correct shape and twist on the plastic blades and how he had made the edges sharp to reduce noise in the 1.5 metre long blades. Two 6 metre poles are being erected at Pedlars Creek to test both sets of blades against each other for performance. A discussion followed about the costing and performance of homebuilt wind energy systems versus mains electricity.

As an aside, there still seems to be a lot of ignorance in the general community regarding who actually supplies our power. South Australia's power is generated by TXU, NRG, Origin and various renewable energy schemes with the rest imported from Victorian or NSW power stations, the high voltage power is transported by Electranet, the low voltage power is transported by ETSA Utilities (nothing to do with the old government run ETSA) and the bills are sent out by  AGL.

Michael is still pushing on with Stan Meyer and Joe Cell designs and brought along parts of his latest design. Michael first spoke on the theory that in a water cell the low voltage DC polarises the water and the high voltage pulses from a flyback circuit break the water down. He then mentioned voltage intensifier circuitry and the idea that these cells can be looked at as a capacitor, in fact Michael has measured two of his cells which have values of 7uF and 0.67uF. Taking this a step further, Michael calculated that with an inductance of 144uH and the cell capacitance of 7uF, the resonant frequency would be 5.0129KHz. The idea of using the ignition pulses from the engine and applying them to the cell was also mentioned. Michael showed drawings of his new cell and brought along a partly built unit that fits on top of the cell. It is made of teflon and stainless steel and will have UV LED's, Luxeon LED's and a high voltage applied to ionising plates to destabilise the H2 and O2.

Bob related to us how he met Andrew French who makes magnetic drives for slashers, pumps, etc. This type of drive is approximately 20% more efficient than belt drives. Bob said that Andrew had built a generator that was 24V, 500W which could spin 4 X 25Kg weights. Later in the evening Bob also talked about a new device called Brake Logic that improves the braking ability of vehicles. The kit costs $329 and more information can be found on the website, 

Hans talked about Tesla lighting globes with no wires connected and explained the mechanism of how he understands that this occurred. Ron mentioned the Solar House day, biodiesel being sold at the show, a model motor group open day, a possible outing to Strath Steam, MP3 Player hire from the group and an update on the community workshop project. This was followed by a short talk on Paddock Fence Factory Farming.

Ken was the final presenter for the night with a talk on Stirling Cycle engines. It was interesting to note that Ken said he usually makes electronic projects and has this time tackled a mechanical one whereas the major manufacturers of Stirling engines used to be Ericsson and Philips, both companies eventually becoming major producers of electronic equipment! Ken talked a bit about the history of Stirling engines, about how quiet and low maintenance they are and then explained some of the technical aspects of pressures and gasses involved in making efficient engines. He explained the difference between the Gamma, Beta and Alpha cycle engines and showed us the motor that he is constructing using a casting from a motor vehicle.

The meeting finished at 10.10pm followed by supper and discussions until we were evicted at the new finishing time of 11.30pm.


Letters to the editor

Dear Ken,

Greetings again!

Here is my updated main article - you may recognise the old one. This is about a practical application of my earlier theory you once published on your site, I believe it is one of the clearest explanations around of how Over-unity can be based on simple Elect.Eng. statements,


Glenn R

Dear Associates.doc

Dear Associates2.doc

Thanks very much for that Glenn keep up the good work...Ken


Robert ... opened the meeting at 8.26pm. He welcomed the local and interstate visitors.

The AGM was adjourned until the September meeting. Robert announced that any nominations would be received in accordance with the constitution. (Image below: words of wisdom from Matthew)

Devashaon...had made four energy amplifiers that convert negative energy into positive energy. He tried them on his bad back, stating that it was much better the next day. The amplifiers consisted of green and blue crystals within conical spirals of wire (tuned to earth resonance). They were potted in polyurethane resin.

Devashaon...introduced three visitors, Scott, Richard and Tasman. They displayed and discussed a whole range of orgone generators. These devices were in a range of shapes and sizes, mainly using double helix coils, neodymium magnets and garnet crystals. Scott said that they had tested the effects of mobile phones on the body, and that these devices reduced the harmful effects. Richard said that the devices also conditioned water and attracted wildlife, which seemed to prefer and gather around positive orgone areas. They had a peach tree with curly leaf and positioned orgone generators around it. The leaves fell off and new unaffected leaves grew back. Tasman then demonstrated a 15Hz. blood cleaner, stating that blood parasites can not live in a 15Hz. environment. He also asked if there was anyone in the group that had any testing devices that could be used to quantify their results. Dino answered that he had a REDOX meter that might be useful as a test device.

Dennis  (Fisher and Paykel Group) displayed two different types of wind generator blades, stating that a propeller has to have a twist in it to work properly and that too many blades cause inefficiencies due to wind turbulence from the previous blade. Denis had a four bladed set of PVC blades on a wooden core that he was in the process of completing. They were ingeniously cut out from a piece of heavy PVC pipe.

Andrew S displayed a new Ecovortek unit that he had developed and has a patent pending. It was designed to be used in the wine industry. It was constructed in a stainless steel tube with neodymium magnets, quartz, activated water and  Steiner type flow form in the centre. He has taken the unit to a Southern Vales winery and had a professional wine taster test the water. The opinion was that it was definitely better after being processed. He then tried a $6.00 clean skin wine and said that it tasted like a $12.00 quality wine after being processed through the unit. Someone questioned as to whether the effect lasted or not. Andrew replied that he has water that was treated six years ago that still OK. He has sold over 2,000 units world wide. For more information see

Peter mentioned a book called ALKALIZE OR DIE by Dr Theodore Baroody in which Baroody emphasises the absolute necessity to maintain your body in an alkaline state if you want health and vitality. This is especially important as you get older. All of the degenerative diseases are heralded and hastened by an acidic system. You are what you eat and the book lists acidifying and alkalizing foods with a section on recipes.

Devashaon ... expounded the benefits of urine therapy.

Dino ... explained the alkalizing effect of kambucha tea, stating that in about a month you can have a ph of 6.8, which is that of a  healthy 21 year old.

Ken...gave an on line computer demonstration of our ASTRO Webb site to show the members (that do not have computers) what a great site we have. Ken said that we now pay for the site and that the Committee has agreed to a domain registered Webb site
Ken added that members will have a password to allow access into member sensitive areas and that most of the print library will loaded up as downloadable PDF(printable digital) files.

RonE... gave a demonstration of  Talking Script in which any selected printed words on the computer were read out by the computer in a reasonable quality voice. Ron has also recorded the voice library onto 4 of MP3 disks which gives 28 hours of listening. They are for sale at the reasonable price of $5.00 each disk.

Ken...then gave a demonstration of Knoppix Version 3.3 bootable Linux operating system.

Robert closed the meeting, invited our guests to supper with the members and told everyone that they had to vacate and leave the site by 11.30pm so as not to disturb the neighbours.

Until next meeting,



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