Alternative Science & Technology Research Organisation

July 2002  Newsletter

June Guest Speaker


Troy, along with his partner Adrian Ferraretto run "Solar Shop" which supplies complete solar electric systems to either use batteries or direct feed into the grid. They have the equipment, technical knowledge and installation skills to meet any need. They will advise you how to obtain a government grant to assist in purchasing your system and guide you away from misconceptions and installation pitfalls.

Technical Group Report.
In the last newsletter I commented that no one other than myself had offered to share their experimenting with the NSW visitors on the Saturday following the last Technical Group meeting. I have since found out that Cedric had organised for them to come to his house and had gone to the trouble of setting out his equipment for them. However due to a breakdown in communication somewhere along the line the NSW guys were of the impression that he was too busy and not available on the Saturday and so did not turn up. Cedric is a regular contributor to the Technical Group meetings and is always willing to share with us what he is doing so my apologies to Cedric for the innacuracy in last month's meeting report. ...........Bruce


 Dr. Bob Beck,

Self Healing Guru, Dead At 77
By Ken Adachi
6-24-2 From

 I received a call this morning from Johanna Beck, wife of Dr. Bob Beck , that Bob passed away last night in Anaheim, California from heart failure. He was 77 years old.
Dr Bob Beck obtained national attention during the 1990's for his health-expo lectures and public exposition of a healing protocol known as "bioelectrification" or "blood electrification", a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to stop the replication of the virus that causes AIDS. Subsequently, Bob discovered that many other serious health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.
The first letter is one from Geoff I failed to publish Last April it has some good links that are worth a look.
Many letters are requests that are answered directly by myself, consequentially these letters are not published, please ask me if you want to read the letters and there replys......Ken


To :
Subject : Check this site out
Date : Sun, 07 Apr 2002 15:33:08 +0900
Hi Ken

Just a note to tell you about a website that might be of interest to some
of the members.

It's from Scott Mcguiress about his Overunity Permanent Magnet atraction

He seem to make the rotor be attrated by magnets and then netralizes them
by a electromagnet pulse to allow the rotor to move past.

Intersting idea

Check out the encyclopedia of free energy on CD at

Join the energy 2000 newsgroup and you can join by going to the following
website location.

To learn more about the energy2000 group, please visit and sign up at
or sign up from of our main webpages as below.

Free Energy Research An Related Projects

Main contents link at

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Tell a friend or make a web page link to Energy21 at

Geoff Egel
18 Sturt Street
Loxton 5333. SA. Australia.
Email :

This email may be copied freely with out any copyright restrictions

May 10 2002

Hi Ken

Just a note to tell you about a website that might be of interest to some of the members.

I noticed you mentioned on the Astro website that you saw the cloudbuster article in New Dawn I contacted the Author and he has allowed me to put the article on web along with colour photographs that were shown in The New Dawn article which appear a lot clearer that the magazine reproduction. Another Guy in England sent me photographs of his device as well.

Sorry to Hear you got caught with a virius ,I had the same thing happen to me last year and it cost me $100 to get it fixed. I have a good virius dector and now update it each time I go on the net ,but I still getting dozens of attempts to inflect my computer ,but the detector seems to be holding up to the job. I noticed the newer version of email programs are paticularly suspectably to these attacks,That why I'm using an early version that does not seem to be enabled to activate these things.

Best wishes to all


Check out the encyclopedia of free energy on CD at


Sun 23 June 2002

Hi Ken

I have got time off from work and so it seems I will be able to get to the technical meeting in JULY at this stage. I have some information from a guy in the US Gary Magratte who has claim's to have reproduced the Edwin Gray circuit as described by Peter Lindemann . I placed a short version of the letter contents he sent me of his experiement at

There is also a link where you can download  the full details at my angelfire with drawings and schematics in a PDF  file as well.
I will bring a copy down in July ,and I will show you how to make some cheap capacitors using everyday materials.

See you July

Date : Sun, 23 Jun 2002 15:22
On second thoughts I have just added it to your PDF section on the astro

Date: Thur 27 June 2002

Hello Ken
My name is Jim Stephens. I live in central Florida, USA. We have friends that live in Adelaide and plan to visit there the latter part of Sept.  I'm starting to charge a Joe Cell for the first time and would like very much to get a first hand look at a cell working in your area. Also plan to see the Lutec 1000.

If the meeting of your group for Sept was around the 27th or so I'd like to attend and share information with your group. Currently plan on being there the 27  for 10 days or so.
Please reply with any information reguarding my plans.
Many thanks

From : "John Chapman" <>

To : <>
Subject : Sydney ASTRO members?
Date : Sun, 9 Jun 2002
Hi Ken
I would love to make contact with any Sydney based ASTRO
My name is John Chapman, ph (02)98904575
If you could pass on my details that would be appreciated
Thanks John

Mail welcome please send to
......Ken Kranz

 This was sent to me as an email it may be worth a look.....Ken

Mileage by up to27%+ !!!!
This amazing, revolutionary device Increases Gas Mileage 27%+ by helping fuel burn better using three patented processes from General Motors.  Just snap this amazing Fuel saving device over your fuel supply line and it will begin working immediately!

100% Money Back GUARANTEE!

Easily snaps over your fuel line.
Anyone can do it in under 10 minutes!
Works on ANY Automobile Engine!
  • No TOOLS required!.
  • Installs in seconds!
  • Improves Power
  • Maximizes Energy
  • Improves Mileage
  • Improves Torque
  • Smoother Engine
  • Reduces Emissions by 43%
  • Protects Catalytic Converters
  • Prevents Diesel Gelling
  • Improves Spark Plug Life
  • Maintenance Free
  • Pays for Itself within 60 days!

patent 1) # 4,802,931 2)#4,496,395



100% Money Back GUARANTEE

Peter's Page
ASTRO MEETING Friday June the 14th 2002

The meeting started at 8.05 pm and was opened with a welcome to all by Robert.

A considerable discussion ensued on a previous proposal to :-

  1. Increase the door fee from $3.00 to $5.00.
  2. Change the $15.00 annual membership fee to a $1.00 lifetime membership.

Robert and Athol explained that a fee increase was needed to cover the hall hire and indemnity insurance costs.

Peter...pointed out that this proposal was in effect only a $0.75 increase on the existing fee structure.

General business started at 8.25pm with an amazing recounting of a radio story about a body dressed in full diving gear being found miles inland at a bush-fire scene. The unfortunate soul had apparently been picked up at sea (whilst diving) by a water bomber, and then dropped on the fire.

Bruce...discussed a letter from Ian Hacon ( NUTECH) about a 100mpg vaporizing carburettor kit that he had ordered from USA. He said that there was a lot of casting involved in the kit and that the castings were also available from Melbourne at a cost of approximately $200.00. See the Nutech Webb site for more information .

Ron E...Said that he had access to (off cut) rolls of thick alfoil of various sizes, at a reasonable price. Anyone interested please contact Ron. He said that it was suitable for constructing orgone devices or capacitors.

Devashaon...suggested that we consider investing in a computer screen projector ( $1500.00) . He said that there was a radionics course available on CD Disk. He also said that he had ordered a tri-field meter from New Zealand. There were four different versions available, ranging from $240.00 to $300.00. See the site

Ken...advised members about Webb Site changes.

Nina...mentioned the discovery of a new sun.

Robert...mentioned the discovery of a toxic substance called "acryl imide", which has been found to be present in most cooked (baked or fried) starchy foods (in toxic proportions).

Vic...mentioned that the two moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) had been missing from astronomical view for several years. He said that they had now been observed to be circling Earth.

Rodger...said that Edgar Cayce had long ago predicted that one of Mars's moons would be discovered to be artificial. (Someone interjected that Phobos had been said to be an alien Grey mother ship). Someone else whistled the X FILE tune.

Andrew...spoke on "Unique Water", saying that the magnesium carbonate in the water goes into human (and animal) cells and changes into bi-carbonate within the cells, where it is used by the cell to repair and maintain itself. See and be amazed!

Andrew further added that he was in the process of patenting a "Cold Ionic "process that turned inorganic unavailable dolomite (CaCO3 . MgCO3) into an organically available product.

Robert then introduced the guest speaker TROY RYAN

Troy, along with his partner Adrian Ferraretto run Solar which supplies complete solar electric systems to either use batteries or direct feed into the grid. They have the equipment, technical knowledge and installation skills to meet any need. They will advise you how to obtain a government grant to assist in purchasing your system and guide you away from misconceptions and installation pitfalls.

Troy gave an absolutely fascinating and professional talk while Adrian pointed out the features on the excellent array of panels, inverters and batteries that they had lugged in for display. Wind generators were also discussed. Please visit their SOLAR SHOP Webb site… Ph (08) 8370 8877 fax (08) 8339 1656 Email or for more information and prices.

Robert extended a hearty appreciation to our guests and invited all to supper. We had to push them out of the doors at 12pm. A good night was had by all.

Until next meeting. PeterP PETER’S PAGE

 DISCLAIMER:  All information given in this newsletter is for educational purposes only.  No claims are made on or for the validity or correctness of the material provided.  ASTRO S.A. Incorporated accepts no responsibility for any mishaps or accidents incurred by any persons utilising this information.